New Parent Representative on the Operational Committee

The DSAuk operational committee would like to try and stay in touch with its members, both full members and associate members. So for this reason the operational committee has co-opted Nick Beaumont on to the committee as “Parents’ Representative.

Nick is the father to Dylan Beaumont and regularly helps out at the games in an unofficial capacity and has recently helped fundraising for the World Dwarf Games by running a triathlon. Nick has previously worked with the Charity Commission so also brings with him knowledge of effective management and governance of charities as well as knowing and understanding the DSAuk.

The operational committee see this role as being the voice of the parents to the operational committee but also hopefully a friendly face to help new parents out when they first join. Nick is very keen to ensure that all parents have significant input into the Parents’ Rep role so he wants parents to feedback on what they envisage the role should entail, what the remit of the Parents’ Rep is. For example, do you have any thoughts about what further could have done for parents when they first became members, what he can do for them now and what he could do for them in the future?