Team GB ready for the World Dwarf Games

  Team GB ready for the World Dwarf Games On the 1st August DSAuk athletes will be traveling to the USA to compete in the World Dwarf Games 2013. The team are

EFDS Festival of Sport

EFDS Festival of Sport Calling young disabled people to join in the sporting fun. In May, the English Federation of Disability Sport will deliver three days of sporting fun for young disabled

East Midlands Swimming Event

Please find below a flyer regarding the 2013 East Midlands Regional Swimming event which will be taking place at Braunstone Leisure Centre on Sunday May 19th 2013. If you are a swimmer then make

London to Paris Cycle Ride

LONDON TO PARIS CYCLE RIDE 11th -15th June 2013   Wilfred O’Donugue is 3 years old and Alex Tampkins is 7 years old and both were born with a genetic condition called

DSAuk Awareness Week

DSAUK Awareness Week Next week is our DSAuk awareness week.Please change your Facebook profile picture to our logo or a picture of you enjoying a DSA event. Also post regular messages of

The Cube is looking for you!

The Cube is looking for contestants for its new series. The ITV programme consists of callenges both physical and mental.If you are considering taking part read the flyer below and be aware


DSAUK Merchandise "Pride" the DSAUK Mascot £5 each + £1 postage Wrist Bands £1 each + 50p postage Temporary Tattoos 50p each + 50p postage Pin Badges £1 each + 50p postage

Congratulations to Ellie Simmonds

Congratulations to Ellie Simmonds Congratulations to DSA Patron Ellie Simmonds who has topped a spectacular year  (that included winning two golds, a silver and a bronze at this year’s London Paralympic Games)

New Video Gallery

New Video Gallery Whether you're new to the DSAUK or a regular member you'll want to look at our new video gallery.  Go through "about us" then "video" on the menu  above


World Dwarf Games Classifications People of restricted growth are not all of the same height or physical ability and so, as in the Paralympics, athletes are classified in terms of height and